Order Detail

  • Order NumberIP2024020835814524528
  • Creation Time2024-02-08 19:09:02
  • Shipping MethodHongkong DHL
  • Payment MethodPayPal
  • StatusCanceled
  • CountryEstonia
  • Product PriceUS$ 11.99
  • Discount PriceUS$ 0.00
  • Shipping CostUS$ 29.78
  • Weight1 Kg
  • InsuranceUS$ 0.00
  • Payment FeeUS$ 2.09
  • Total PriceUS$ 43.85

Cart Summary

Goods Price Qty Subtotal
New MKSD4 V1.31 with adhesive sticker More convenient installation and adaptation for iPhone 6-13 pro max
Weight:0.1 X 10 = 1 Kg
US$ 1.20 10 US$ 11.99